Monday, September 10, 2007

Open all hours! Serving everything!

Dear Readers

If there were to be an organ in the human body that causes loneliness, I am sure it would be somewhere near the stomach. When I am really hungry I will eat just about anything--that stuff in the tupperware at the back of the fridge, dry spaghetti, anything past its sell by date, brussell sprouts.

The same thing is true when I am lonely. I will look anywhere, do nearly anything, to satisfy that hunger. If we hunger, there is food. If we lust, there is sex. If we are lonely, there is company, or at least the din of the crowd. Our culture crowd begs us to get in, sit down, plug it in and turn it on, and shut up. When it wants our opinion it will give it to us, all through those cute little iPod ear buds.

The company of our pop culture is superficial, however; is harmfully superficial. It never engages us in a meaningful manner. Instead it is full of empty chatter, hollow talk, false praises, soulless confessions, and boring secrets. It never fills the "lonely organ" the way food fills the stomach. It's meals are as cotton candy, sweet but for a moment, but dissolving into nothingness. We are left wanting something more substantial, and so we gorge ourselves on the senseless noise of the culture.

Human company, too, fails to satisfy fully. It is as an appetizer to a meal. Again culture answers; if we will only put our earphones back in or turn on the TV (with the remote, of course), the Dr. Phils will tell us what we want to hear, how to fill that loneliness. The cotton candy provides no nourishment.

Your Friendly, Neighborhood Apatheist,


"The eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing" Eccl. 1:8 Not yet finished....

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